value pairs. * The constant_name must follow the normal constant naming rules. Value must evaluate to a scalar value. * @param bool $case_sensitive The default behaviour for constants is to be declared case-sensitive; * i.e. CONSTANT and Constant represent different values. If this parameter evaluates to FALSE * the constants will be declared as case-insensitive symbols. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function apc_define_constants($key, array $constants, $case_sensitive = true) { } /** * Caches a variable in the data store, only if it's not already stored * @link * @param string $key Store the variable using this name. Keys are cache-unique, * so attempting to use apc_add() to store data with a key that already exists will not * overwrite the existing data, and will instead return FALSE. (This is the only difference * between apc_add() and apc_store().) * @param mixed $var The variable to store * @param int $ttl Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, * the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied * (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, * or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.). * @return bool */ function apc_add($key, $var, $ttl = 0) { } /** * Stores a file in the bytecode cache, bypassing all filters * @link * @param string|string[] $filename Full or relative path to a PHP file that will be * compiled and stored in the bytecode cache. * @param bool $atomic * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function apc_compile_file($filename, $atomic = true) { } /** * Loads a set of constants from the cache * @link * @param string $key The name of the constant set (that was stored * with apc_define_constants()) to be retrieved. * @param bool $case_sensitive The default behaviour for constants is to be declared case-sensitive; * i.e. CONSTANT and Constant represent different values. If this parameter evaluates to FALSE * the constants will be declared as case-insensitive symbols. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function apc_load_constants($key, $case_sensitive = true) { } /** * Checks if APC key exists * @link * @param string|string[] $keys A string, or an array of strings, that contain keys. * @return bool|string[] Returns TRUE if the key exists, otherwise FALSE * Or if an array was passed to keys, then an array is returned that * contains all existing keys, or an empty array if none exist. */ function apc_exists($keys) { } /** * Deletes the given files from the opcode cache * * Accepts a string, array of strings, or APCIterator object. * Returns True/False, or for an Array an Array of failed files. * * @link * @param string|string[]|APCIterator $keys * @return bool|string[] */ function apc_delete_file($keys) { } /** * Increase a stored number * @link * @param string $key The key of the value being increased. * @param int $step The step, or value to increase. * @param bool|null &$success Optionally pass the success or fail boolean value to this referenced variable. * @return int|false Returns the current value of key's value on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function apc_inc($key, $step = 1, &$success = null) { } /** * Decrease a stored number * @link * @param string $key The key of the value being decreased. * @param int $step The step, or value to decrease. * @param bool|null &$success Optionally pass the success or fail boolean value to this referenced variable. * @return int|false Returns the current value of key's value on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function apc_dec($key, $step = 1, &$success = null) { } /** * Updates an old value with a new value * @link * @param string $key * @param int $old * @param int $new * @return bool */ function apc_cas($key, $old, $new) { } /** * Returns a binary dump of the given files and user variables from the APC cache * * A NULL for files or user_vars signals a dump of every entry, while array() will dump nothing. * * @link * @param string[]|null $files The files. Passing in NULL signals a dump of every entry, while passing in array() will dump nothing. * @param string[]|null $user_vars The user vars. Passing in NULL signals a dump of every entry, while passing in array() will dump nothing. * @return string|false|null Returns a binary dump of the given files and user variables from the APC cache, FALSE if APC is not enabled, or NULL if an unknown error is encountered. */ function apc_bin_dump($files = null, $user_vars = null) { } /** * Output a binary dump of the given files and user variables from the APC cache to the named file * @link * @param string[]|null $files The file names being dumped. * @param string[]|null $user_vars The user variables being dumped. * @param string $filename The filename where the dump is being saved. * @param int $flags Flags passed to the filename stream. See the file_put_contents() documentation for details. * @param resource $context The context passed to the filename stream. See the file_put_contents() documentation for details. * @return int|false The number of bytes written to the file, otherwise FALSE if APC * is not enabled, filename is an invalid file name, filename can't be opened, * the file dump can't be completed (e.g., the hard drive is out of disk space), * or an unknown error was encountered. */ function apc_bin_dumpfile($files, $user_vars, $filename, $flags = 0, $context = null) { } /** * Load the given binary dump into the APC file/user cache * @link * @param string $data The binary dump being loaded, likely from apc_bin_dump(). * @param int $flags Either APC_BIN_VERIFY_CRC32, APC_BIN_VERIFY_MD5, or both. * @return bool Returns TRUE if the binary dump data was loaded with success, otherwise FALSE is returned. * FALSE is returned if APC is not enabled, or if the data is not a valid APC binary dump (e.g., unexpected size). */ function apc_bin_load($data, $flags = 0) { } /** * Load the given binary dump from the named file into the APC file/user cache * @link * @param string $filename The file name containing the dump, likely from apc_bin_dumpfile(). * @param resource $context The files context. * @param int $flags Either APC_BIN_VERIFY_CRC32, APC_BIN_VERIFY_MD5, or both. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE Reasons it may return FALSE include APC * is not enabled, filename is an invalid file name or empty, filename can't be opened, * the file dump can't be completed, or if the data is not a valid APC binary dump (e.g., unexpected size). */ function apc_bin_loadfile($filename, $context = null, $flags = 0) { } /** * Clears the APCu cache * @link * * @return bool Returns TRUE always. */ function apcu_clear_cache() { } /** * Retrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information * @link * @param bool $limited When set to FALSE (default) apcu_sma_info() will * return a detailed information about each segment. * * @return array|false Array of Shared Memory Allocation data; FALSE on failure. */ function apcu_sma_info($limited = false) { } /** * Cache a variable in the data store * @link * @param string|string[] $key String: Store the variable using this name. Keys are cache-unique, * so storing a second value with the same key will overwrite the original value. * Array: Names in key, variables in value. * @param mixed $var [optional] The variable to store * @param int $ttl [optional] Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, * the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied * (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, * or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.). * @return bool|array Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure | array with error keys. */ function apcu_store($key, $var, $ttl = 0) { } /** * Fetch a stored variable from the cache * @link * @param string|string[] $key The key used to store the value (with apcu_store()). * If an array is passed then each element is fetched and returned. * @param bool|null &$success Set to TRUE in success and FALSE in failure. * @return mixed|false The stored variable or array of variables on success; FALSE on failure. */ function apcu_fetch($key, &$success = null) { } /** * Removes a stored variable from the cache * @link * @param string|string[]|APCUIterator $key The key used to store the value (with apcu_store()). * @return bool|string[] Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. For array of keys returns list of failed keys. */ function apcu_delete($key) { } /** * Caches a variable in the data store, only if it's not already stored * @link * @param string|array $key Store the variable using this name. Keys are cache-unique, * so attempting to use apcu_add() to store data with a key that already exists will not * overwrite the existing data, and will instead return FALSE. (This is the only difference * between apcu_add() and apcu_store().) * Array: Names in key, variables in value. * @param mixed $var The variable to store * @param int $ttl Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, * the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied * (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, * or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.). * @return bool|array Returns TRUE if something has effectively been added into the cache, FALSE otherwise. * Second syntax returns array with error keys. */ function apcu_add($key, $var, $ttl = 0) { } /** * Checks if APCu key exists * @link * @param string|string[] $keys A string, or an array of strings, that contain keys. * @return bool|string[] Returns TRUE if the key exists, otherwise FALSE * Or if an array was passed to keys, then an array is returned that * contains all existing keys, or an empty array if none exist. */ function apcu_exists($keys) { } /** * Increase a stored number * @link * @param string $key The key of the value being increased. * @param int $step The step, or value to increase. * @param int $ttl Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, * the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied * (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, * or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.). * @param bool|null &$success Optionally pass the success or fail boolean value to this referenced variable. * @return int|false Returns the current value of key's value on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function apcu_inc($key, $step = 1, &$success = null, $ttl = 0) { } /** * Decrease a stored number * @link * @param string $key The key of the value being decreased. * @param int $step The step, or value to decrease. * @param int $ttl Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, * the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied * (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, * or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.). * @param bool|null &$success Optionally pass the success or fail boolean value to this referenced variable. * @return int|false Returns the current value of key's value on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function apcu_dec($key, $step = 1, &$success = null, $ttl = 0) { } /** * Updates an old value with a new value * * apcu_cas() updates an already existing integer value if the old parameter matches the currently stored value * with the value of the new parameter. * * @link * @param string $key The key of the value being updated. * @param int $old The old value (the value currently stored). * @param int $new The new value to update to. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function apcu_cas($key, $old, $new) { } /** * Atomically fetch or generate a cache entry * *
Atomically attempts to find key in the cache, if it cannot be found generator is called, * passing key as the only argument. The return value of the call is then cached with the optionally * specified ttl, and returned. *
* *Note: When control enters apcu_entry() the lock for the cache is acquired exclusively, it is released when * control leaves apcu_entry(): In effect, this turns the body of generator into a critical section, * disallowing two processes from executing the same code paths concurrently. * In addition, it prohibits the concurrent execution of any other APCu functions, * since they will acquire the same lock. *
* * @link * * @param string $key Identity of cache entry * @param callable $generator A callable that accepts key as the only argument and returns the value to cache. *Warning * The only APCu function that can be called safely by generator is apcu_entry().
* @param int $ttl [optional] Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. * After the ttl has passed, the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). * If no ttl is supplied (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, * or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.). * @return mixed Returns the cached value * @since APCu 5.1.0 */ function apcu_entry($key, callable $generator, $ttl = 0) { } /** * Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store * * @link * * @param bool $limited If limited is TRUE, the return value will exclude the individual list of cache entries. * This is useful when trying to optimize calls for statistics gathering. * @return array|false Array of cached data (and meta-data) or FALSE on failure */ function apcu_cache_info($limited = false) { } /** * Whether APCu is usable in the current environment * * @link * * @return bool */ function apcu_enabled() { } /** * @param string $key * @return array|null */ function apcu_key_info($key) { } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDEwMjY5ODEwOTY5MDA3MSA4Njg5ODEzOTcxMjQyMzI5IDY4OTk4MDUzMDYxNDk3Mw==