* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException; /** * Unescaper encapsulates unescaping rules for single and double-quoted * YAML strings. * * @author Matthew Lewinski * * @internal */ class Unescaper { /** * Regex fragment that matches an escaped character in a double quoted string. */ public const REGEX_ESCAPED_CHARACTER = '\\\\(x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|.)'; /** * Unescapes a single quoted string. * * @param string $value A single quoted string */ public function unescapeSingleQuotedString(string $value): string { return str_replace('\'\'', '\'', $value); } /** * Unescapes a double quoted string. * * @param string $value A double quoted string */ public function unescapeDoubleQuotedString(string $value): string { $callback = function ($match) { return $this->unescapeCharacter($match[0]); }; // evaluate the string return preg_replace_callback('/'.self::REGEX_ESCAPED_CHARACTER.'/u', $callback, $value); } /** * Unescapes a character that was found in a double-quoted string. * * @param string $value An escaped character */ private function unescapeCharacter(string $value): string { switch ($value[1]) { case '0': return "\x0"; case 'a': return "\x7"; case 'b': return "\x8"; case 't': return "\t"; case "\t": return "\t"; case 'n': return "\n"; case 'v': return "\xB"; case 'f': return "\xC"; case 'r': return "\r"; case 'e': return "\x1B"; case ' ': return ' '; case '"': return '"'; case '/': return '/'; case '\\': return '\\'; case 'N': // U+0085 NEXT LINE return "\xC2\x85"; case '_': // U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE return "\xC2\xA0"; case 'L': // U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR return "\xE2\x80\xA8"; case 'P': // U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR return "\xE2\x80\xA9"; case 'x': return self::utf8chr(hexdec(substr($value, 2, 2))); case 'u': return self::utf8chr(hexdec(substr($value, 2, 4))); case 'U': return self::utf8chr(hexdec(substr($value, 2, 8))); default: throw new ParseException(sprintf('Found unknown escape character "%s".', $value)); } } /** * Get the UTF-8 character for the given code point. */ private static function utf8chr(int $c): string { if (0x80 > $c %= 0x200000) { return \chr($c); } if (0x800 > $c) { return \chr(0xC0 | $c >> 6).\chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } if (0x10000 > $c) { return \chr(0xE0 | $c >> 12).\chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F).\chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } return \chr(0xF0 | $c >> 18).\chr(0x80 | $c >> 12 & 0x3F).\chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F).\chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjkyMjQ2OTY2ODIxODU4IDcyNjU1MTExNDc4ODUyNjQgMTUzMjE3ODU5NTIwMDQxMg==