* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster; /** * Represents a file or a URL. * * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class LinkStub extends ConstStub { public $inVendor = false; private static $vendorRoots; private static $composerRoots; public function __construct($label, $line = 0, $href = null) { $this->value = $label; if (null === $href) { $href = $label; } if (!is_string($href)) { return; } if (0 === strpos($href, 'file://')) { if ($href === $label) { $label = substr($label, 7); } $href = substr($href, 7); } elseif (false !== strpos($href, '://')) { $this->attr['href'] = $href; return; } if (!file_exists($href)) { return; } if ($line) { $this->attr['line'] = $line; } if ($label !== $this->attr['file'] = realpath($href) ?: $href) { return; } if ($composerRoot = $this->getComposerRoot($href, $this->inVendor)) { $this->attr['ellipsis'] = strlen($href) - strlen($composerRoot) + 1; $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path'; $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1 + ($this->inVendor ? 2 + strlen(implode(array_slice(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($href, 1 - $this->attr['ellipsis'])), 0, 2))) : 0); } elseif (3 < count($ellipsis = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $href))) { $this->attr['ellipsis'] = 2 + strlen(implode(array_slice($ellipsis, -2))); $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path'; $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1; } } private function getComposerRoot($file, &$inVendor) { if (null === self::$vendorRoots) { self::$vendorRoots = array(); foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) { if ('C' === $class[0] && 0 === strpos($class, 'ComposerAutoloaderInit')) { $r = new \ReflectionClass($class); $v = dirname(dirname($r->getFileName())); if (file_exists($v.'/composer/installed.json')) { self::$vendorRoots[] = $v.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } } } $inVendor = false; if (isset(self::$composerRoots[$dir = dirname($file)])) { return self::$composerRoots[$dir]; } foreach (self::$vendorRoots as $root) { if ($inVendor = 0 === strpos($file, $root)) { return $root; } } $parent = $dir; while (!@file_exists($parent.'/composer.json')) { if (!@file_exists($parent)) { // open_basedir restriction in effect break; } if ($parent === dirname($parent)) { return self::$composerRoots[$dir] = false; } $parent = dirname($parent); } return self::$composerRoots[$dir] = $parent.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTQzMzY3MDQwNzQ2NzI5MCA2ODc2NTU0NTk5MTk0NjUwIDEyODQ5NDgyNjA2MTY0Njc=