* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Catalogue; use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogueInterface; /** * Target operation between two catalogues: * intersection = source ∩ target = {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∈ target} * all = intersection ∪ (target ∖ intersection) = target * new = all ∖ source = {x: x ∈ target ∧ x ∉ source} * obsolete = source ∖ all = source ∖ target = {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∉ target} * Basically, the result contains messages from the target catalogue. * * @author Michael Lee */ class TargetOperation extends AbstractOperation { /** * @return void */ protected function processDomain(string $domain) { $this->messages[$domain] = [ 'all' => [], 'new' => [], 'obsolete' => [], ]; $intlDomain = $domain.MessageCatalogueInterface::INTL_DOMAIN_SUFFIX; foreach ($this->target->getCatalogueMetadata('', $domain) ?? [] as $key => $value) { if (null === $this->result->getCatalogueMetadata($key, $domain)) { $this->result->setCatalogueMetadata($key, $value, $domain); } } foreach ($this->target->getCatalogueMetadata('', $intlDomain) ?? [] as $key => $value) { if (null === $this->result->getCatalogueMetadata($key, $intlDomain)) { $this->result->setCatalogueMetadata($key, $value, $intlDomain); } } // For 'all' messages, the code can't be simplified as ``$this->messages[$domain]['all'] = $target->all($domain);``, // because doing so will drop messages like {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∉ target.all ∧ x ∈ target.fallback} // // For 'new' messages, the code can't be simplified as ``array_diff_assoc($this->target->all($domain), $this->source->all($domain));`` // because doing so will not exclude messages like {x: x ∈ target ∧ x ∉ source.all ∧ x ∈ source.fallback} // // For 'obsolete' messages, the code can't be simplified as ``array_diff_assoc($this->source->all($domain), $this->target->all($domain))`` // because doing so will not exclude messages like {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∉ target.all ∧ x ∈ target.fallback} foreach ($this->source->all($domain) as $id => $message) { if ($this->target->has($id, $domain)) { $this->messages[$domain]['all'][$id] = $message; $d = $this->source->defines($id, $intlDomain) ? $intlDomain : $domain; $this->result->add([$id => $message], $d); if (null !== $keyMetadata = $this->source->getMetadata($id, $d)) { $this->result->setMetadata($id, $keyMetadata, $d); } } else { $this->messages[$domain]['obsolete'][$id] = $message; } } foreach ($this->target->all($domain) as $id => $message) { if (!$this->source->has($id, $domain)) { $this->messages[$domain]['all'][$id] = $message; $this->messages[$domain]['new'][$id] = $message; $d = $this->target->defines($id, $intlDomain) ? $intlDomain : $domain; $this->result->add([$id => $message], $d); if (null !== $keyMetadata = $this->target->getMetadata($id, $d)) { $this->result->setMetadata($id, $keyMetadata, $d); } } } } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MjgxMDY3MTgxMDg3MjU3IDE2NzE3NDExNzI5MTgyNCA0OTE2MDk1NjI4MDE5Mzg3