* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\RuntimeException; /** * Encoder delegating the decoding to a chain of encoders. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * @author Johannes M. Schmitt * @author Lukas Kahwe Smith * * @final since version 3.3. */ class ChainEncoder implements EncoderInterface /*, ContextAwareEncoderInterface*/ { protected $encoders = array(); protected $encoderByFormat = array(); public function __construct(array $encoders = array()) { $this->encoders = $encoders; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ final public function encode($data, $format, array $context = array()) { return $this->getEncoder($format, $context)->encode($data, $format, $context); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function supportsEncoding($format/*, array $context = array()*/) { $context = func_num_args() > 1 ? func_get_arg(1) : array(); try { $this->getEncoder($format, $context); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Checks whether the normalization is needed for the given format. * * @param string $format * @param array $context * * @return bool */ public function needsNormalization($format/*, array $context = array()*/) { $context = func_num_args() > 1 ? func_get_arg(1) : array(); $encoder = $this->getEncoder($format, $context); if (!$encoder instanceof NormalizationAwareInterface) { return true; } if ($encoder instanceof self) { return $encoder->needsNormalization($format, $context); } return false; } /** * Gets the encoder supporting the format. * * @param string $format * @param array $context * * @return EncoderInterface * * @throws RuntimeException if no encoder is found */ private function getEncoder($format, array $context) { if (isset($this->encoderByFormat[$format]) && isset($this->encoders[$this->encoderByFormat[$format]]) ) { return $this->encoders[$this->encoderByFormat[$format]]; } foreach ($this->encoders as $i => $encoder) { if ($encoder->supportsEncoding($format, $context)) { $this->encoderByFormat[$format] = $i; return $encoder; } } throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('No encoder found for format "%s".', $format)); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTgzODUzNzE3MzMyMTAzNCA1NTg2OTI4MDU5NjUzOTQgNTE1NTA1ODgzMDAwMDQ3Nw==