* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\InvalidPropertyPathException; use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\OutOfBoundsException; /** * Default implementation of {@link PropertyPathInterface}. * * @author Bernhard Schussek */ class PropertyPath implements \IteratorAggregate, PropertyPathInterface { /** * Character used for separating between plural and singular of an element. */ public const SINGULAR_SEPARATOR = '|'; /** * The elements of the property path. * * @var array */ private $elements = []; /** * The number of elements in the property path. * * @var int */ private $length; /** * Contains a Boolean for each property in $elements denoting whether this * element is an index. It is a property otherwise. * * @var array */ private $isIndex = []; /** * String representation of the path. * * @var string */ private $pathAsString; /** * Constructs a property path from a string. * * @param PropertyPath|string $propertyPath The property path as string or instance * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the given path is not a string * @throws InvalidPropertyPathException If the syntax of the property path is not valid */ public function __construct($propertyPath) { // Can be used as copy constructor if ($propertyPath instanceof self) { /* @var PropertyPath $propertyPath */ $this->elements = $propertyPath->elements; $this->length = $propertyPath->length; $this->isIndex = $propertyPath->isIndex; $this->pathAsString = $propertyPath->pathAsString; return; } if (!\is_string($propertyPath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The property path constructor needs a string or an instance of "Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath". Got: "%s".', get_debug_type($propertyPath))); } if ('' === $propertyPath) { throw new InvalidPropertyPathException('The property path should not be empty.'); } $this->pathAsString = $propertyPath; $position = 0; $remaining = $propertyPath; // first element is evaluated differently - no leading dot for properties $pattern = '/^(([^\.\[]++)|\[([^\]]++)\])(.*)/'; while (preg_match($pattern, $remaining, $matches)) { if ('' !== $matches[2]) { $element = $matches[2]; $this->isIndex[] = false; } else { $element = $matches[3]; $this->isIndex[] = true; } $this->elements[] = $element; $position += \strlen($matches[1]); $remaining = $matches[4]; $pattern = '/^(\.([^\.|\[]++)|\[([^\]]++)\])(.*)/'; } if ('' !== $remaining) { throw new InvalidPropertyPathException(sprintf('Could not parse property path "%s". Unexpected token "%s" at position %d.', $propertyPath, $remaining[0], $position)); } $this->length = \count($this->elements); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __toString() { return $this->pathAsString; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLength() { return $this->length; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getParent() { if ($this->length <= 1) { return null; } $parent = clone $this; --$parent->length; $parent->pathAsString = substr($parent->pathAsString, 0, max(strrpos($parent->pathAsString, '.'), strrpos($parent->pathAsString, '['))); array_pop($parent->elements); array_pop($parent->isIndex); return $parent; } /** * Returns a new iterator for this path. * * @return PropertyPathIteratorInterface */ public function getIterator() { return new PropertyPathIterator($this); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getElements() { return $this->elements; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getElement(int $index) { if (!isset($this->elements[$index])) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('The index "%s" is not within the property path.', $index)); } return $this->elements[$index]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isProperty(int $index) { if (!isset($this->isIndex[$index])) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('The index "%s" is not within the property path.', $index)); } return !$this->isIndex[$index]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isIndex(int $index) { if (!isset($this->isIndex[$index])) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('The index "%s" is not within the property path.', $index)); } return $this->isIndex[$index]; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MzcwODY3MzA1OTYzODU4OSA3NzY1Mjg2NDI3ODY1NjIzIDk1MDYyNzQ0NDkzMDc1MjA=