* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Form; /** * To learn more about how form events work check the documentation * entry at {@link https://symfony.com/doc/any/components/form/form_events.html}. * * To learn how to dynamically modify forms using events check the cookbook * entry at {@link https://symfony.com/doc/any/cookbook/form/dynamic_form_modification.html}. * * @author Bernhard Schussek */ final class FormEvents { /** * The PRE_SUBMIT event is dispatched at the beginning of the Form::submit() method. * * It can be used to: * - Change data from the request, before submitting the data to the form. * - Add or remove form fields, before submitting the data to the form. * * @Event("Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent") */ const PRE_SUBMIT = 'form.pre_bind'; /** * The SUBMIT event is dispatched just before the Form::submit() method * transforms back the normalized data to the model and view data. * * It can be used to change data from the normalized representation of the data. * * @Event("Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent") */ const SUBMIT = 'form.bind'; /** * The FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT event is dispatched after the Form::submit() * once the model and view data have been denormalized. * * It can be used to fetch data after denormalization. * * @Event("Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent") */ const POST_SUBMIT = 'form.post_bind'; /** * The FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA event is dispatched at the beginning of the Form::setData() method. * * It can be used to: * - Modify the data given during pre-population; * - Modify a form depending on the pre-populated data (adding or removing fields dynamically). * * @Event("Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent") */ const PRE_SET_DATA = 'form.pre_set_data'; /** * The FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA event is dispatched at the end of the Form::setData() method. * * This event is mostly here for reading data after having pre-populated the form. * * @Event("Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent") */ const POST_SET_DATA = 'form.post_set_data'; private function __construct() { } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTkxMDY0NDQxODQwMTI5OSAzNzM2MTAzMjMwMTkzODQgOTY3MjY5MTExMDQ5MTkzNw==