* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector; use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DataCollectorInterface; /** * Collects and structures information about forms. * * @author Bernhard Schussek */ interface FormDataCollectorInterface extends DataCollectorInterface { /** * Stores configuration data of the given form and its children. */ public function collectConfiguration(FormInterface $form); /** * Stores the default data of the given form and its children. */ public function collectDefaultData(FormInterface $form); /** * Stores the submitted data of the given form and its children. */ public function collectSubmittedData(FormInterface $form); /** * Stores the view variables of the given form view and its children. */ public function collectViewVariables(FormView $view); /** * Specifies that the given objects represent the same conceptual form. */ public function associateFormWithView(FormInterface $form, FormView $view); /** * Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as * a tree-like data structure. * * The result can be queried using {@link getData()}. */ public function buildPreliminaryFormTree(FormInterface $form); /** * Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as * a tree-like data structure. * * The result can be queried using {@link getData()}. * * Contrary to {@link buildPreliminaryFormTree()}, a {@link FormView} * object has to be passed. The tree structure of this view object will be * used for structuring the resulting data. That means, if a child is * present in the view, but not in the form, it will be present in the final * data array anyway. * * When {@link FormView} instances are present in the view tree, for which * no corresponding {@link FormInterface} objects can be found in the form * tree, only the view data will be included in the result. If a * corresponding {@link FormInterface} exists otherwise, call * {@link associateFormWithView()} before calling this method. */ public function buildFinalFormTree(FormInterface $form, FormView $view); /** * Returns all collected data. * * @return array */ public function getData(); } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDgwODExNjYwMDE2OTEwMyA1OTY4NDUwNzk5MzQ2MjIxIDI2Nzg1OTcxMTA3MTYwMDA=