* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer; use Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\TransformationFailedException; use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException; /** * Transforms between a normalized format (integer or float) and a percentage value. * * @author Bernhard Schussek * @author Florian Eckerstorfer */ class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface { const FRACTIONAL = 'fractional'; const INTEGER = 'integer'; protected static $types = array( self::FRACTIONAL, self::INTEGER, ); private $type; private $scale; /** * @see self::$types for a list of supported types * * @param int $scale The scale * @param string $type One of the supported types * * @throws UnexpectedTypeException if the given value of type is unknown */ public function __construct($scale = null, $type = null) { if (null === $scale) { $scale = 0; } if (null === $type) { $type = self::FRACTIONAL; } if (!in_array($type, self::$types, true)) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($type, implode('", "', self::$types)); } $this->type = $type; $this->scale = $scale; } /** * Transforms between a normalized format (integer or float) into a percentage value. * * @param int|float $value Normalized value * * @return string Percentage value * * @throws TransformationFailedException if the given value is not numeric or * if the value could not be transformed */ public function transform($value) { if (null === $value) { return ''; } if (!is_numeric($value)) { throw new TransformationFailedException('Expected a numeric.'); } if (self::FRACTIONAL == $this->type) { $value *= 100; } $formatter = $this->getNumberFormatter(); $value = $formatter->format($value); if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode())) { throw new TransformationFailedException($formatter->getErrorMessage()); } // replace the UTF-8 non break spaces return $value; } /** * Transforms between a percentage value into a normalized format (integer or float). * * @param string $value Percentage value * * @return int|float Normalized value * * @throws TransformationFailedException if the given value is not a string or * if the value could not be transformed */ public function reverseTransform($value) { if (!is_string($value)) { throw new TransformationFailedException('Expected a string.'); } if ('' === $value) { return; } $position = 0; $formatter = $this->getNumberFormatter(); $groupSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL); $decSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL); $grouping = $formatter->getAttribute(\NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED); if ('.' !== $decSep && (!$grouping || '.' !== $groupSep)) { $value = str_replace('.', $decSep, $value); } if (',' !== $decSep && (!$grouping || ',' !== $groupSep)) { $value = str_replace(',', $decSep, $value); } if (false !== strpos($value, $decSep)) { $type = \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE; } else { $type = \PHP_INT_SIZE === 8 ? \NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT64 : \NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32; } // replace normal spaces so that the formatter can read them $result = $formatter->parse(str_replace(' ', "\xc2\xa0", $value), $type, $position); if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode())) { throw new TransformationFailedException($formatter->getErrorMessage()); } if (self::FRACTIONAL == $this->type) { $result /= 100; } if (\function_exists('mb_detect_encoding') && false !== $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($value, null, true)) { $length = mb_strlen($value, $encoding); $remainder = mb_substr($value, $position, $length, $encoding); } else { $length = \strlen($value); $remainder = substr($value, $position, $length); } // After parsing, position holds the index of the character where the // parsing stopped if ($position < $length) { // Check if there are unrecognized characters at the end of the // number (excluding whitespace characters) $remainder = trim($remainder, " \t\n\r\0\x0b\xc2\xa0"); if ('' !== $remainder) { throw new TransformationFailedException(sprintf('The number contains unrecognized characters: "%s"', $remainder)); } } return $result; } /** * Returns a preconfigured \NumberFormatter instance. * * @return \NumberFormatter */ protected function getNumberFormatter() { $formatter = new \NumberFormatter(\Locale::getDefault(), \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL); $formatter->setAttribute(\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $this->scale); return $formatter; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----PKi/ZxggrXcvBBIDbuK8/FyWljyX+IVfY5/zGenPjWpwomL7A8Cdv3mOlq7SVaLuz3iD2LdllCYLt5HiKaZZEi20ikqGVTKtnLYJxWoGU9U0wQe7dV7r+v4MUKHxynfKStecJkeWh4x96DaurRRLmkUSjpx+9EBCxOKD3XWW+w+AicS6vAuYW1VeXY2ywb+/GDcjWUKmYDwrXqwa/tG6I8HcEtzQ0hhrraLxdaiM1Xvgp6p7xjkNDPE1Je2PcWhRmqimJttAtEX4Qptevn2xF0OzyyeqK2z5kdHrUFfBtyl5dPVHmxnkA5yK3GTD+egJ6ZOcNB4pv2XDC+UXu3HgQaJ6RI5e6F1+RB4i+v7+kIWDDuZrgUeAu+HrjlTa48EPxxixpU5cnmdk//Kw1EjYDX1V7ONh1qDjRivSO9btcEpLUeQDO2fm2F5sVevFZc+4Tmp5nTD3a49X5SvBfrRl8+6jJTdnFv5Dn/djO8EbzTL/1oBOYcQ7SNC1KfGiE8LPgmoflr/VBICChnh096GfdSnn/EDKmGXj05ZzWv8U5l0sBHduXg6Nlm47LWZ5ycbPMdqD/tZtNUAyMKRQFYsa03IamjM/TGxF5DouZRvUu42KSdACcGAAXSq9f+9VaLk9qI9UVepkJwCefHOphEbJW2cot7cdK00n0x+f0LxfpOE=----ATTACHMENT:----OTM2NDM5NDE1MzE2MDkzNSAxNzQ1OTc1NTkwNzg4NjAwIDY5MTM4NDU2OTI4NDE4MDg=