* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ChoiceListInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\LazyChoiceList; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Loader\ChoiceLoaderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceListView; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView; /** * Default implementation of {@link ChoiceListFactoryInterface}. * * @author Bernhard Schussek */ class DefaultChoiceListFactory implements ChoiceListFactoryInterface { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createListFromChoices($choices, $value = null) { return new ArrayChoiceList($choices, $value); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createListFromLoader(ChoiceLoaderInterface $loader, $value = null) { return new LazyChoiceList($loader, $value); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createView(ChoiceListInterface $list, $preferredChoices = null, $label = null, $index = null, $groupBy = null, $attr = null) { $preferredViews = array(); $otherViews = array(); $choices = $list->getChoices(); $keys = $list->getOriginalKeys(); if (!is_callable($preferredChoices) && !empty($preferredChoices)) { $preferredChoices = function ($choice) use ($preferredChoices) { return in_array($choice, $preferredChoices, true); }; } // The names are generated from an incrementing integer by default if (null === $index) { $index = 0; } // If $groupBy is a callable, choices are added to the group with the // name returned by the callable. If the callable returns null, the // choice is not added to any group if (is_callable($groupBy)) { foreach ($choices as $value => $choice) { self::addChoiceViewGroupedBy( $groupBy, $choice, (string) $value, $label, $keys, $index, $attr, $preferredChoices, $preferredViews, $otherViews ); } } else { // Otherwise use the original structure of the choices self::addChoiceViewsGroupedBy( $list->getStructuredValues(), $label, $choices, $keys, $index, $attr, $preferredChoices, $preferredViews, $otherViews ); } // Remove any empty group view that may have been created by // addChoiceViewGroupedBy() foreach ($preferredViews as $key => $view) { if ($view instanceof ChoiceGroupView && 0 === count($view->choices)) { unset($preferredViews[$key]); } } foreach ($otherViews as $key => $view) { if ($view instanceof ChoiceGroupView && 0 === count($view->choices)) { unset($otherViews[$key]); } } return new ChoiceListView($otherViews, $preferredViews); } private static function addChoiceView($choice, $value, $label, $keys, &$index, $attr, $isPreferred, &$preferredViews, &$otherViews) { // $value may be an integer or a string, since it's stored in the array // keys. We want to guarantee it's a string though. $key = $keys[$value]; $nextIndex = is_int($index) ? $index++ : call_user_func($index, $choice, $key, $value); // BC normalize label to accept a false value if (null === $label) { // If the labels are null, use the original choice key by default $label = (string) $key; } elseif (false !== $label) { // If "choice_label" is set to false and "expanded" is true, the value false // should be passed on to the "label" option of the checkboxes/radio buttons $dynamicLabel = call_user_func($label, $choice, $key, $value); $label = false === $dynamicLabel ? false : (string) $dynamicLabel; } $view = new ChoiceView( $choice, $value, $label, // The attributes may be a callable or a mapping from choice indices // to nested arrays is_callable($attr) ? call_user_func($attr, $choice, $key, $value) : (isset($attr[$key]) ? $attr[$key] : array()) ); // $isPreferred may be null if no choices are preferred if ($isPreferred && call_user_func($isPreferred, $choice, $key, $value)) { $preferredViews[$nextIndex] = $view; } else { $otherViews[$nextIndex] = $view; } } private static function addChoiceViewsGroupedBy($groupBy, $label, $choices, $keys, &$index, $attr, $isPreferred, &$preferredViews, &$otherViews) { foreach ($groupBy as $key => $value) { if (null === $value) { continue; } // Add the contents of groups to new ChoiceGroupView instances if (is_array($value)) { $preferredViewsForGroup = array(); $otherViewsForGroup = array(); self::addChoiceViewsGroupedBy( $value, $label, $choices, $keys, $index, $attr, $isPreferred, $preferredViewsForGroup, $otherViewsForGroup ); if (count($preferredViewsForGroup) > 0) { $preferredViews[$key] = new ChoiceGroupView($key, $preferredViewsForGroup); } if (count($otherViewsForGroup) > 0) { $otherViews[$key] = new ChoiceGroupView($key, $otherViewsForGroup); } continue; } // Add ungrouped items directly self::addChoiceView( $choices[$value], $value, $label, $keys, $index, $attr, $isPreferred, $preferredViews, $otherViews ); } } private static function addChoiceViewGroupedBy($groupBy, $choice, $value, $label, $keys, &$index, $attr, $isPreferred, &$preferredViews, &$otherViews) { $groupLabel = call_user_func($groupBy, $choice, $keys[$value], $value); if (null === $groupLabel) { // If the callable returns null, don't group the choice self::addChoiceView( $choice, $value, $label, $keys, $index, $attr, $isPreferred, $preferredViews, $otherViews ); return; } $groupLabel = (string) $groupLabel; // Initialize the group views if necessary. Unnecessarily built group // views will be cleaned up at the end of createView() if (!isset($preferredViews[$groupLabel])) { $preferredViews[$groupLabel] = new ChoiceGroupView($groupLabel); $otherViews[$groupLabel] = new ChoiceGroupView($groupLabel); } self::addChoiceView( $choice, $value, $label, $keys, $index, $attr, $isPreferred, $preferredViews[$groupLabel]->choices, $otherViews[$groupLabel]->choices ); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTIyOTU2NjUzNDI1MTExMCAxMTYxMzUxMDg3OTY0ODAgMjExMTgzODU2MzM2NDY2Mw==