* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler; use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field\FormField; /** * This is an internal class that must not be used directly. * * @internal */ class FormFieldRegistry { private $fields = array(); private $base; /** * Adds a field to the registry. */ public function add(FormField $field) { $segments = $this->getSegments($field->getName()); $target = &$this->fields; while ($segments) { if (!is_array($target)) { $target = array(); } $path = array_shift($segments); if ('' === $path) { $target = &$target[]; } else { $target = &$target[$path]; } } $target = $field; } /** * Removes a field and its children from the registry. * * @param string $name The fully qualified name of the base field */ public function remove($name) { $segments = $this->getSegments($name); $target = &$this->fields; while (count($segments) > 1) { $path = array_shift($segments); if (!array_key_exists($path, $target)) { return; } $target = &$target[$path]; } unset($target[array_shift($segments)]); } /** * Returns the value of the field and its children. * * @param string $name The fully qualified name of the field * * @return mixed The value of the field * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the field does not exist */ public function &get($name) { $segments = $this->getSegments($name); $target = &$this->fields; while ($segments) { $path = array_shift($segments); if (!array_key_exists($path, $target)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unreachable field "%s"', $path)); } $target = &$target[$path]; } return $target; } /** * Tests whether the form has the given field. * * @param string $name The fully qualified name of the field * * @return bool Whether the form has the given field */ public function has($name) { try { $this->get($name); return true; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return false; } } /** * Set the value of a field and its children. * * @param string $name The fully qualified name of the field * @param mixed $value The value * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the field does not exist */ public function set($name, $value) { $target = &$this->get($name); if ((!is_array($value) && $target instanceof Field\FormField) || $target instanceof Field\ChoiceFormField) { $target->setValue($value); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $fields = self::create($name, $value); foreach ($fields->all() as $k => $v) { $this->set($k, $v); } } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot set value on a compound field "%s".', $name)); } } /** * Returns the list of field with their value. * * @return FormField[] The list of fields as array((string) Fully qualified name => (mixed) value) */ public function all() { return $this->walk($this->fields, $this->base); } /** * Creates an instance of the class. * * This function is made private because it allows overriding the $base and * the $values properties without any type checking. * * @param string $base The fully qualified name of the base field * @param array $values The values of the fields * * @return static */ private static function create($base, array $values) { $registry = new static(); $registry->base = $base; $registry->fields = $values; return $registry; } /** * Transforms a PHP array in a list of fully qualified name / value. * * @param array $array The PHP array * @param string $base The name of the base field * @param array $output The initial values * * @return array The list of fields as array((string) Fully qualified name => (mixed) value) */ private function walk(array $array, $base = '', array &$output = array()) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $path = empty($base) ? $k : sprintf('%s[%s]', $base, $k); if (is_array($v)) { $this->walk($v, $path, $output); } else { $output[$path] = $v; } } return $output; } /** * Splits a field name into segments as a web browser would do. * * * getSegments('base[foo][3][]') = array('base', 'foo, '3', ''); * * * @param string $name The name of the field * * @return string[] The list of segments */ private function getSegments($name) { if (preg_match('/^(?P[^[]+)(?P(\[.*)|$)/', $name, $m)) { $segments = array($m['base']); while (!empty($m['extra'])) { $extra = $m['extra']; if (preg_match('/^\[(?P.*?)\](?P.*)$/', $extra, $m)) { $segments[] = $m['segment']; } else { $segments[] = $extra; } } return $segments; } return array($name); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTg3ODUwNDU0NTIxMDEwNiAyMTQzMjc1NDYzMDcwNTk5IDk1NTMxMzkyMzY1NDE4Njk=