* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Question; use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * Represents a choice question. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class ChoiceQuestion extends Question { private $choices; private $multiselect = false; private $prompt = ' > '; private $errorMessage = 'Value "%s" is invalid'; /** * @param string $question The question to ask to the user * @param array $choices The list of available choices * @param mixed $default The default answer to return */ public function __construct(string $question, array $choices, $default = null) { if (!$choices) { throw new \LogicException('Choice question must have at least 1 choice available.'); } parent::__construct($question, $default); $this->choices = $choices; $this->setValidator($this->getDefaultValidator()); $this->setAutocompleterValues($choices); } /** * Returns available choices. * * @return array */ public function getChoices() { return $this->choices; } /** * Sets multiselect option. * * When multiselect is set to true, multiple choices can be answered. * * @return $this */ public function setMultiselect(bool $multiselect) { $this->multiselect = $multiselect; $this->setValidator($this->getDefaultValidator()); return $this; } /** * Returns whether the choices are multiselect. * * @return bool */ public function isMultiselect() { return $this->multiselect; } /** * Gets the prompt for choices. * * @return string */ public function getPrompt() { return $this->prompt; } /** * Sets the prompt for choices. * * @return $this */ public function setPrompt(string $prompt) { $this->prompt = $prompt; return $this; } /** * Sets the error message for invalid values. * * The error message has a string placeholder (%s) for the invalid value. * * @return $this */ public function setErrorMessage(string $errorMessage) { $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; $this->setValidator($this->getDefaultValidator()); return $this; } private function getDefaultValidator(): callable { $choices = $this->choices; $errorMessage = $this->errorMessage; $multiselect = $this->multiselect; $isAssoc = $this->isAssoc($choices); return function ($selected) use ($choices, $errorMessage, $multiselect, $isAssoc) { if ($multiselect) { // Check for a separated comma values if (!preg_match('/^[^,]+(?:,[^,]+)*$/', (string) $selected, $matches)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($errorMessage, $selected)); } $selectedChoices = explode(',', (string) $selected); } else { $selectedChoices = [$selected]; } if ($this->isTrimmable()) { foreach ($selectedChoices as $k => $v) { $selectedChoices[$k] = trim((string) $v); } } $multiselectChoices = []; foreach ($selectedChoices as $value) { $results = []; foreach ($choices as $key => $choice) { if ($choice === $value) { $results[] = $key; } } if (\count($results) > 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The provided answer is ambiguous. Value should be one of "%s".', implode('" or "', $results))); } $result = array_search($value, $choices); if (!$isAssoc) { if (false !== $result) { $result = $choices[$result]; } elseif (isset($choices[$value])) { $result = $choices[$value]; } } elseif (false === $result && isset($choices[$value])) { $result = $value; } if (false === $result) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($errorMessage, $value)); } // For associative choices, consistently return the key as string: $multiselectChoices[] = $isAssoc ? (string) $result : $result; } if ($multiselect) { return $multiselectChoices; } return current($multiselectChoices); }; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----ODI1MzAyMjM4MDYxNDc0MyA2NTIwNjM2NjgzNzE2MTc1IDU0OTE5MjY1NDQwMDY2NDU=