* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\PruneableInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\PdoTrait; class PdoAdapter extends AbstractAdapter implements PruneableInterface { use PdoTrait; protected $maxIdLength = 255; /** * You can either pass an existing database connection as PDO instance or * a Doctrine DBAL Connection or a DSN string that will be used to * lazy-connect to the database when the cache is actually used. * * List of available options: * * db_table: The name of the table [default: cache_items] * * db_id_col: The column where to store the cache id [default: item_id] * * db_data_col: The column where to store the cache data [default: item_data] * * db_lifetime_col: The column where to store the lifetime [default: item_lifetime] * * db_time_col: The column where to store the timestamp [default: item_time] * * db_username: The username when lazy-connect [default: ''] * * db_password: The password when lazy-connect [default: ''] * * db_connection_options: An array of driver-specific connection options [default: array()] * * @param \PDO|Connection|string $connOrDsn A \PDO or Connection instance or DSN string or null * @param string $namespace * @param int $defaultLifetime * @param array $options An associative array of options * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When first argument is not PDO nor Connection nor string * @throws InvalidArgumentException When PDO error mode is not PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION * @throws InvalidArgumentException When namespace contains invalid characters */ public function __construct($connOrDsn, $namespace = '', $defaultLifetime = 0, array $options = array()) { $this->init($connOrDsn, $namespace, $defaultLifetime, $options); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MzM2MTM3MDQ2Mjk5MjMwOCAzMDQ2ODgyNjY3NTMzNzc3IDQ3MjM2NDI1MDE5NjczNTg=