*/ class StateMachine implements StateMachineInterface { /** * The stateful object. * * @var object */ protected $object; /** * The available states. * * @var array */ protected $states = array(); /** * The available transitions. * * @var array */ protected $transitions = array(); /** * The current state. * * @var StateInterface */ protected $currentState; /** * @var EventDispatcherInterface */ protected $dispatcher; /** * @var StateAccessorInterface */ protected $stateAccessor; /** * @var string */ protected $graph; /** * @param object $object * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher * @param StateAccessorInterface $stateAccessor */ public function __construct( $object = null, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null, StateAccessorInterface $stateAccessor = null ) { $this->object = $object; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher ?: new EventDispatcher(); $this->stateAccessor = $stateAccessor ?: new PropertyPathStateAccessor(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function initialize() { if (null === $this->object) { throw new Exception\ObjectException('No object bound to the State Machine'); } try { $initialState = $this->stateAccessor->getState($this->object); } catch (Exception\NoSuchPropertyException $e) { throw new Exception\ObjectException(sprintf( 'StateMachine can\'t be initialized because the defined property_path of object "%s" does not exist.', get_class($this->object) ), $e->getCode(), $e); } if (null === $initialState) { $initialState = $this->findInitialState(); $this->stateAccessor->setState($this->object, $initialState); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(FiniteEvents::SET_INITIAL_STATE, new StateMachineEvent($this)); } $this->currentState = $this->getState($initialState); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(FiniteEvents::INITIALIZE, new StateMachineEvent($this)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception\StateException */ public function apply($transitionName, array $parameters = array()) { $transition = $this->getTransition($transitionName); $event = new TransitionEvent($this->getCurrentState(), $transition, $this, $parameters); if (!$this->can($transition, $parameters)) { throw new Exception\StateException(sprintf( 'The "%s" transition can not be applied to the "%s" state of object "%s" with graph "%s".', $transition->getName(), $this->currentState->getName(), get_class($this->getObject()), $this->getGraph() )); } $this->dispatchTransitionEvent($transition, $event, FiniteEvents::PRE_TRANSITION); $returnValue = $transition->process($this); $this->stateAccessor->setState($this->object, $transition->getState()); $this->currentState = $this->getState($transition->getState()); $this->dispatchTransitionEvent($transition, $event, FiniteEvents::POST_TRANSITION); return $returnValue; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function can($transition, array $parameters = array()) { $transition = $transition instanceof TransitionInterface ? $transition : $this->getTransition($transition); if (null !== $transition->getGuard() && !call_user_func($transition->getGuard(), $this)) { return false; } if (!in_array($transition->getName(), $this->getCurrentState()->getTransitions())) { return false; } $event = new TransitionEvent($this->getCurrentState(), $transition, $this, $parameters); $this->dispatchTransitionEvent($transition, $event, FiniteEvents::TEST_TRANSITION); return !$event->isRejected(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addState($state) { if (!$state instanceof StateInterface) { $state = new State($state); } $this->states[$state->getName()] = $state; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addTransition($transition, $initialState = null, $finalState = null) { if ((null === $initialState || null === $finalState) && !$transition instanceof TransitionInterface) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'You must provide a TransitionInterface instance or the $transition, '. '$initialState and $finalState parameters' ); } // If transition isn't a TransitionInterface instance, we create one from the states date if (!$transition instanceof TransitionInterface) { try { $transition = $this->getTransition($transition); } catch (Exception\TransitionException $e) { $transition = new Transition($transition, $initialState, $finalState); } } $this->transitions[$transition->getName()] = $transition; // We add missings states to the State Machine try { $this->getState($transition->getState()); } catch (Exception\StateException $e) { $this->addState($transition->getState()); } foreach ($transition->getInitialStates() as $state) { try { $this->getState($state); } catch (Exception\StateException $e) { $this->addState($state); } $state = $this->getState($state); if ($state instanceof State) { $state->addTransition($transition); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTransition($name) { if (!isset($this->transitions[$name])) { throw new Exception\TransitionException(sprintf( 'Unable to find a transition called "%s" on object "%s" with graph "%s".', $name, get_class($this->getObject()), $this->getGraph() )); } return $this->transitions[$name]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getState($name) { $name = (string) $name; if (!isset($this->states[$name])) { throw new Exception\StateException(sprintf( 'Unable to find a state called "%s" on object "%s" with graph "%s".', $name, get_class($this->getObject()), $this->getGraph() )); } return $this->states[$name]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTransitions() { return array_keys($this->transitions); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getStates() { return array_keys($this->states); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setObject($object) { $this->object = $object; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getObject() { return $this->object; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrentState() { return $this->currentState; } /** * Find and return the Initial state if exists. * * @return string * * @throws Exception\StateException */ protected function findInitialState() { foreach ($this->states as $state) { if (State::TYPE_INITIAL === $state->getType()) { return $state->getName(); } } throw new Exception\StateException(sprintf( 'No initial state found on object "%s" with graph "%s".', get_class($this->getObject()), $this->getGraph() )); } /** * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher */ public function setDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) { $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; } /** * @return EventDispatcherInterface */ public function getDispatcher() { return $this->dispatcher; } /** * @param StateAccessorInterface $stateAccessor */ public function setStateAccessor(StateAccessorInterface $stateAccessor) { $this->stateAccessor = $stateAccessor; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasStateAccessor() { return null !== $this->stateAccessor; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setGraph($graph) { $this->graph = $graph; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getGraph() { return $this->graph; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function findStateWithProperty($property, $value = null) { return array_keys( array_map( function (State $state) { return $state->getName(); }, array_filter( $this->states, function (State $state) use ($property, $value) { if (!$state->has($property)) { return false; } if (null !== $value && $state->get($property) !== $value) { return false; } return true; } ) ) ); } /** * Dispatches event for the transition * * @param TransitionInterface $transition * @param TransitionEvent $event * @param type $transitionState */ private function dispatchTransitionEvent(TransitionInterface $transition, TransitionEvent $event, $transitionState) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch($transitionState, $event); $this->dispatcher->dispatch($transitionState.'.'.$transition->getName(), $event); if (null !== $this->getGraph()) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch($transitionState.'.'.$this->getGraph().'.'.$transition->getName(), $event); } } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjExOTY5MzEwNzY3ODcyNSAzOTI2NDYwODM2NDk2MTEwIDQwMjExMzMzNDU5NzgxNzM=